Sunday, August 29, 2010

"LEED GA MOCK EXAMS" has been published!

"LEED GA MOCK EXAMS" (ISBN-10: 0984374124, ISBN-13: 9780984374120) has been published!

Why "LEED GA MOCK EXAMS" is needed?

First of all, there are many people who passed the LEED GA Exam by reading my book, "LEED GA Exam Guide" ONLY. There is one reader passed the LEED GA Exam by studying my book for three days.

Secondly, people learn in many different ways. Some people learn better by doing extra mock exams. If you want to be safe and do additional sample tests to find out if you are ready for the real exam, I would suggest "LEED GA Mock Exams."

The practice questions in "LEED GA Exam Guide" are normal in term of difficulty, but its mock exam is harder than the real LEED GA Exam. We want it to be harder to make the readers nervous and force them to go back and review the study materials in my book a few more times.

This approach is apparently working. Even the people who gave my book an unfair 1-start review passed the LEED GA Exam on the first try. The only complaint they have is that I have made them study too hard. So, they complaint and gave my book a 1-star review instead of thanking me for helping them passing the LEED GA Exam. Well, I'd rather my readers pass the LEED GA Exam on the first try. It is better safe than sorry.

A set of hard mock exam can be very helpful: What does not kill you makes you stronger.

We want your LEED knowledge to peak on the day of the LEED GA Exam, NOT before or after. One way to achieve this goal is to make you nervous and keep the pressure on, and you will be willing to go back and seriously study and keep reviewing the materials in my book. It is a hard fight against human brain's natural tendency to forget things:

"The process of memorization is like filling a cup with a hole at the bottom: You need to fill it faster than the water leaks out at the bottom, and you need to constantly fill it; otherwise, it will quickly be empty.

Once you memorize something, your brain has already started the process of forgetting it. It is natural. That is how we have enough space left in our brain to remember the really important things." ---Quoted from page 5 of "LEED GA Exam Guide."

Our goal is for "LEED GA Exam Guide" to stand alone. In fact, there are readers who passed the LEED GA Exam by reading "LEED GA Exam Guide" ONLY. One reader passed the LEED GA Exam by studying it for three days. If you choose ANY other books (most of them constantly refer you back to the 700-page USGBC reference guide, and do not stand alone at all) or study materials, you need at least 3 weeks to even go through their study materials once, let alone reviewing the materials several times or passing the LEED GA Exam.

To balance your exam prep effort, the sample tests in "LEED GA Mock Exams" are very close to the real exams. They will definitely help you.

For more info, see:

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